Thursday 28 November 2013

Here are more free ideas, this time concerning banking. I originally wrote to my own bank about this, but I think my idea just went to a call-center. So for all those executives reading this (and I know there are many), you may try putting this into practice.

Most people these days use their debit card frequently, but it becomes almost a nightmare if you lose it. A call-center takes about two or three days to issue a new one, and if a branch is closed (say on a Sunday or holiday), you would not be able to access your bank account for maybe days. In turn, this means you couldn't buy groceries or gas, or anything else you'd need during that time. You could perhaps access your bank account online and transfer some money to a friend, and your friend could then give you the funds in person. However, as strange as it sounds, not everybody has that last option. Some people don't have anyone they could trust, or perhaps they would not want to burden anyone with their banking problems. So, in light of all this, there is nevertheless a simple solution.

As far as I know, this hasn't been put into place. But the solution to a lost bank card could be to issue people emergency pin numbers. Essentially, when you would open a bank account, you'd have to choose an emergency number, along with your regular pin. You could then call a call-center at any time of the night or day and advise them that you lost your card and will be using your number. Then all you would have to do is go to a bank machine, enter your number, followed by your pin. This would then give you access to a certain level of funds without using any bank card.

There are a few details that would have to be worked out. For instance, the number itself could be your bank account number, or a number that you choose when you open your bank account. Bank machines would also have to be re-programmed to accept emergency pin numbers as well as have an option for emergency funds. Call-centers would also require being able to allow or block emergency pin numbers, just like they now have the capacity to block or allow bank cards. In essence though, I think this would prove dramatically helpful in these circumstances.

You might think this is a lot of work for something that really isn't an issue. However, from my experience working at a call-center, this actually happens more than you'd think. As a representative over the phone, all you can tell people is that you'll issue a new card to their home address, or that they have to wait until a branch is opened. However, the sound of people's voices tells you that they're now in a situation that's rather desperate.

There are also issues regarding potential fraud. For instance, if someone got a hold of your emergency pin number, they could steal from your bank account. However, in reality this is not a potential danger that isn't already an issue with bank machine, telephone, or online banking. For instance, if you lose your card and someone knows your pin number, they can easily access your bank account. Furthermore, if someone online has your password, they can transfer funds to a bank account through email and so on. In any case, the point is that the dangers would not be new, but the benefits, I think, would be substantial.

Anyways, that's just a thought. Who knows what it would really take to put that into place.